Physical Requirements (Minimum) 5 mile run, 500 sit-ups, 500 push-ups, 500 kicks (round, front, side, back)
I. Be of Good Moral Character
Understand and adhere to the traditions of Karate-Do teachings. Possess and display the moralities of Karate-Do.
II. Karate Kotoba
Written test of all previous language requirements, understand and be able to explain:
Passai Sho | Passai Dai |
Kusanku Sho | Chinto |
IV. Bunkai For all Kihon, Fukyu, Taiyoku, Naihanchi, Pinan, and Passai Kata, and Kusanku Sho Kata
V. Yotsu Kado No Renshu (Ichibanme - Nijubanme)
VI. Te Waza from all previous tests
VII. Geri Waza
VIII. Te To Uke To Shi Waza
IX. Empi Waza Dai Ichi & Dai Ni Plus Bunkai
X. Shuto Waza & Bunkai
XI. Ukemi Waza
XII. All Kihon, Kaeshi, Jiyu, and Tanren Kumite
XIII. Bag Work for Power, Speed, Technique
XIV. Jiyu Kumite
Close Pursuit
All Hands (Plus chops and Elbows)
All Kicks Combinations of Both Jamming |
Side Stepping
Sweeping Counter Moves |
XV. Jumping Kicks
Jumping Front Kick
Flying Side Kick Jumping Spinning Round Kick Jumping Spinning Back Kick |
Jump Spinning Crescent Kick
Jump Spinning Round Kick Jump Spinning Heel Kick |
XVI. Board Breaking (Evidence of Power)
XVII. Grabbing Techniques
XVIII. Attitude
XIX. Free Fighting (1-1;2-1;3-1;4-1)
XX. Self Defense Techniques
Handed in one week before test
12 for Sodan | 18 for Nidan | 24 for Sandan |
XX. Written Tests (Selected Topics)
Handed in two weeks before test
Shodan - 10 pages | Nidan - 12 pages |
Sandan - 15 pages | Yondan - 20 pages |
Godan - 25 pages | Rokudan - Karate Thesis - 100 pages |